The other day I was chatting with a close friend and she mentioned that I tend to 'hate' a lot of things. I thought about it, and boy, is she right! My 'hates' could fill a whole book 3 inches thick! Here are a few items that would definitely make it into that book..
Heights, cockroaches, shallow people, people who speak like loudspeakers in public areas, people who drink, people who smoke, Non Veg food, bedbugs, night calls, senior residents at my hospital, cheats, people who cheat on their partners, Anatomy as a subject in first year of MBBS, Microbiology, arrogant surgeons, the smell of sandalwood, Mumbai's masala dosas, Bengaluru's traffic, a few professors from my MBBS days, most professors from my PG days, dominating people, headaches, fevers, coughs, colds, diarrhoeas, Sunday and holiday calls, blood donation drives (as a donor pricker only, not otherwise), people who assume their Sundays are more important than yours, loud music and drums of processions, crowds, crackers during Diwali, Shahrukh movies, Salman movies, rap music, Kevin Pietersen, Britney Spears, Charlie Sheen, reality TV, MTV Roadies, the smell of sewage, abortions....
Whew!! Did you really read all of this ?! Hope you don't hate me for this post;)
~Purple Mist