Saturday 5 November 2011

Revolution 2020- A review

I've gotten into this dangerous habit of buying books at the airport each time I travel by flight. Last month that was a total of 4 times and have spent a considerable amount of my hard earned money on fiction. So now I'm crossing my fingers hoping that it was a worthwhile investment. :)

There's something about a Chetan Bhagat novel that you can't just ignore. Is it the hype surrounding India's most talked about author? I bought Revolution 2020 more out of curiosity than anything else. The book is written in typical Bhagat style with the usual doses of struggles, failures, IITs and human relationships that make his books tick. The premise is simple- Two young men in Varanasi who fall hard for the same girl. One wants to change the world and the other wants to make a lot of money. So whom will she choose? A rather cute love story, but the editing could have been crisper with the middle third of the book especially, which drags on endlessly with the protagonist and his endless attempts at trying to win over his lady love.  Plus, I wish the author had done away with cliches about girls being difficult to understand, something he writes about in every book! 

Though the narrative gets tiresome at places, it's a good book overall. Not the best of Chetan's works (personally I rate his first book, Five Point Someone the highest) but it's not the worst either. I recommend it as a one time read. And if you're a Chetan Bhagat hater, then my advice is to avoid the book completely instead of complaining later about his writing style. So, all in all, it's a book for the Chetan fans or one for those who prefer to stay neutral on a touchy subject... Like me!!

My rating : 3/5


A Fineapple said...

so its a no for me.. I don't hate him but I just so and so like him.. you travel by flight.. so cool.. :)

mouna said...

i thought u don't like him.

Purple Mist said...

I don't like him or hate him. But i would never read his books for the second time.